Photo Highlights from NE Ohio Feral Cat Summit IV held on October 20, 2018, in Parma, Ohio
speaker group shot: (left to right) Tabitha Kucera, Rachel Vanek, Gregory Willey, Dan Spehar, Corey Roscoe, Jason Cooke, Dr. Michelle Gonzalez
Gregory Willey, Friendship APL
Dr. Michelle Gonzalez, Rascal Unit
Corey Roscoe, Humane Society of the United States
Tabitha Kucera, Chirrups and Chatter, Together Initiative for Ohio’s Community Cats
Rachel Vanek, CLE Foster Kittens
Jason Cooke, TNR Advocate
Dan Spehar, Together Initiative for Ohio’s Community Cats
NE Ohio Feral Cat Summit IV Attendees
NE Ohio Feral Cat Summit IV Attendees
NE Ohio Feral Cat Summit IV Attendees